8 Ways To Help You ‘Work Healthier’ When Hybrid Working

How we work has drastically changed over the past two years, with many of us now working remotely or hybrid working. Working from home eight hours a day, five days a week in front of a computer can take its toll on our mental and physical wellbeing. Fitting Image AV Sales Ltd. provides a range of AV solutions to promote fluid collaboration between those working from home and those working in the office. Here is how you can find the right tools to help you ‘work healthier’ whether you’re in the office or working from home:

1. Communication

Now that workplaces have adopted the hybrid working scheme, you and your team may be geographically separated, which can prove difficult when trying to communicate, complete different tasks or set up meetings. Audio Visual (AV) Solutions provide the groundwork for better communication within and outside your organisation. Video collaboration in the office allows for remote meetings, accommodating those who work in separate locations. Investing in AV solutions for your workspace can help keep your team close and boost productivity amongst your workforce. Audio calls can keep people connected, but having a video call, where people can talk ‘face-to-face,’ can help boost people’s mood and remove any feelings of isolation for those who work remotely. 

2. Set Boundaries 

It can be hard to switch off after a long day, especially if you’re working remotely. Home becomes associated with work and makes it harder to unplug and ‘leave the office’. This feeling can cause reduced productivity contributing to late evenings and work sometimes being done over the weekend. Establishing healthy boundaries between one’s work and home life will help create structure and routine. The best way to set boundaries is by creating a dedicated workspace that you can leave at the end of the day. Having a separate room where you can work will help separate your work and any everyday home distractions like young kids and pets. 

3. Take Small Breaks 

With no work colleagues to eat lunch or take a walk to grab a coffee with, many people working remotely find themselves taking their lunch to their computer for long stretches of time. But long stretches of focused attention can drain your energy. Schedule short breaks throughout the day to keep you energized. Having a short break to look forward to will keep you focused and motivated during your work time, which will halter spontaneous breaks that interrupt your workflow. Taking just a 10-minute break between tasks or Zoom meetings will help boost your mental health and reduce the risk of burnout. 

4. Remember to drink water 

When sitting at our desks, we tend to forget to stay hydrated, and no—coffee does not count! Staying hydrated helps with concentration, making the workday easier for you. 

5. Move Frequently 

Sitting at a desk all day can take its toll on our bodies. Getting up every once in a while to make a coffee or just to pace the room can do a world of good for your mental health and joints. Investing in a standing desk can help with posture, reduces back pain, keeps your circulation going, and boosts your mood and productivity. 

6. Set realistic goals 

All work has a deadline, and getting your work finished early is a great feeling, but putting pressure on yourself to get a big task done in one day can affect your productivity and mental health. When starting a new task, set realistic goals for yourself. Plan an hour to work on one job and if it’s not complete at the end of that hour, that’s okay. Take a break and come back to it when you have recharged your brain. 

7. Keep workspaces tidy 

How you keep your workspace can affect your mental health and reduce productivity. Having an untidy workspace can affect your concentration. Keeping your desk tidy will help you focus on the tasks at hand. 

8. Dress to impress 

We all know that when we are in the office, we need to dress to impress, but the same can also go for when you’re working remotely. When working from home, it can be tempting to sit around in our pajamas or tracksuits. However, making the effort to look nice or put some light make-up on will help boost your confidence. 

As we adopt the new way of working, following the above steps will help us all work healthier when hybrid working. The right AV equipment can contribute to a healthier work-from-home or in-office setup. Don’t hesitate to contact Ken Lanigan in Fitting Image, at 01 460 2112, for assistance.